Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cross-functional teams Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Cross-functional teams - Term Paper Example The sectors most affected by M&A activity have been service and knowledge based industries such as banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, and leisure. Although M &A is a popular means of increasing or protecting market share, the strategy does not always deliver what is expected in terms of increased profitability or economies of scale. While the motives for mergers can variously be described as practical, psychological, or opportunist, the objective of all related M&A is to achieve synergy, or what is commonly referred to as the 2 +2 = 5 effect. However, as many organizations learn to their cost, the mere recognition of potential synergy is no guarantee that the combination will actually realize that potential (Cartwright, 1996). Understanding the Problems - Dysfunctional Organizations Most people have difficulty stating their organization’s strategy: what the organization wants to become, how it would like its people to behave, and what it will provide to which customers. In t he future, the reality is that the organization’s business and operating units march to priorities different from, if not contradictory to, those implied by its strategy. The majority of the people in an organization focus on day-to-day operational matters and their individual aspirations. Consequently, the strategy is never realized. Frustrated by the lack of forward progress, executives launch new communication, reorganization, process redesign, or technology initiatives. Everyone is doing more, and yet performance stagnates or even declines (Hammer, et al. 2001). Losing the Value of Mergers and Acquisitions AKPMG report found that, though 82% of respondents believed the deal they had transacted was a success, 83% of the same mergers failed to increase shareholder value. Of these transactions, 30% produced no discernible difference in shareholder value and 53% actually reduced value. Acquiring, merging, and demerging companies need long-term ways of enhancing shareholder va lue once the initial and obvious savings have been taken. But they usually focus on tactical integration, such as, organizational structure, support service or policies rather than on strategic integration in regards to customers, products, people or systems. However, to succeed both are needed (Kaplan, at el., (2001). The burning question remains – why do so many mergers fail to live up to a shareholder expectations? In the short term, many seemingly successful acquisitions look good, but disappointing productivity levels are often masked by onetime cost savings, asset disposals, or astute tax maneuvers that inflate balance-sheet figures during the first few years. Merger gains are notoriously difficult to assess. There are problems in selecting appropriate indices to make any assessment, as well as difficulties in deciding on a suitable measurement period. Typically the criteria selected by analysts are Profit-to-earnings ratios Stock-price fluctuations Managerial assessmen ts Irrespective of the evaluation method selected, the evidence on M&A performance is consistent in suggesting that a high proportion of M&A’

Monday, October 28, 2019

Developing a Counseling Plan Essay Example for Free

Developing a Counseling Plan Essay As a counselor one constantly strives to help clients become successful members of society. In order to become successful in society one must be mentally healthy, there are clients that are so unhealthy mentally and that have struggled so much throughout their childhood and through adolescents that as a counselor you work and push that much harder to help your client overcome those obstacles. In some cases ones counseling can prevent a negative life and provide for a safer society. This case depicts a client that falls under those circumstances. As a client, John Wayne Gacy will be introduced to Family Therapy to help him understand his family environment and help him to cope and or change the way he feels about his family life. The counseling plan will deal with John Wayne Gacy’s issues of his father being an alcoholic, his father abusing him and the rest of his family, him liking boys, as well as his anti-social ways at school. These will be addressed by looking at creating a genogram. When looking at the research it is favorable to use family therapy in order to facilitate change within the family environment by looking at problem solving abilities, looking at the positive rather than the negative, and accepting family members. Case Study My client is John Wayne Gacy, a 15 year old boy living in Chicago, Illinois. He is a white male and has been referred by a judge to undergo a psych evaluation, after his psych evaluation he began coming to see me. This is Gacy’s first time seeking help from a licensed counselor. Presenting Problems John’s presenting problems are his father is an abusive alcoholic, John is attracted to boys, and John is anti-social at school. These three things lead to much confusion in John’s life which led to him hearing voices. John wants to see if family therapy could change some of his issues and feels that by going to family therapy his home environment might change into a more supportive one. Family Background and Developmental History John Wayne Gacy, the son of Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Wayne Gacy Sr. was born on March 17th 1942 in Chicago, Illinois. His parents were of Polish and Danish heritage (Bell). John was the middle child of three; he had an older sister Joanne and a younger sister Karen. John and his sisters were brought up Catholic and went to catholic school. The environment in which he was raised in was that of middle class, he had a part-time job after school and was involved with the boy scouts. John and his two sisters were raised by a father that was an alcoholic; he abused them and their mother. John was not popular in school and was often left out of the loop. John had a playground incident at age 11 which led to him having a blood clot and the clot caused him to have blackouts (Bell Bardsley). He could not play with the other kids because he had a heart condition which was another reason he was looked down upon by his father; he saw it as another shortcoming. John also discovered that he liked boys and often struggled with dealing with his sexuality (Bell). John’s father in a way resented him for this. He felt that it was a sign of weakness or another fault that John had. Current Living and Work Environment John is involved in many organizations within the community. He is a hard worker that often suffered from exhaustion and anxiety from the pressure he put on himself to succeed. John was a father and husband; and had a house in the suburbs. All of this came to a screeching halt when rumors of Gacy liking boys surfaced. Multiple charges and even a prison sentence were handed down to Gacy for the assault of a young boy. Physical Appearance, Mood, and Demeanor John was overweight and had heart and back problems; however, it did not stop him from his work or community activities. Gacy was sentenced to ten years in prison for assaulting a young boy. Gacy was in denial saying that the young boy willingly participated in the sexual acts in order to make extra money. He also did not take responsibility for his actions and tried to place blame on others. Gacy’s has an anti-social personality but is mentally competent. When he was in prison he followed rules and was not violent. Gacy took on different personalities as well as went through many different moods (Inside John Wayne Gacy’s Mind). Counseling Plan This counseling plan uses Family Therapy. â€Å"Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system.†(Genopro) Basically family members feed off each other, positivity feeds positivity and vice versa. The best way to put together a treatment plan is to build your family genogram. Study your own behavior patterns and how they fit in with the rest of your family throughout generations. This will bring out options in which could be used in order to solve problems and figure out how one fits into the family and what ones role is within the family (Genopro). The genogram structure of family therapy will allow John and me to create a counseling plan very easily. Conceptualization of Client’s Presenting Problem and Developmental History John shows signs of multiple personality disorder as well as having an anti-social personality. John also hears voices. Family Therapy eludes to the fact that Family development and the environment that he was brought up in, along with family makeup could be a contributor to why John suffers from what he does (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). Family patterns or expectations are looked at in many ways from parental beliefs, personalities, and extended family influence. This allows each family to be unique in their own ways. This uniqueness can be very overwhelming and takes a toll on all members whether it is negative or positive (Pope). For example, John’s father puts a lot of pressure on him to be successful. John’s shortcomings were looked down upon by his father most likely do to the beliefs and personality that he formed based upon his parental upbringing. John admits that his father was abusive to his mom, sisters, and him as well. John took on many personalities and even called himself pogo the clown at times. John was attracted to boys and this is something that has haunted him his whole life and the reason he is in the predicament he is in. He hated being a disappointment to his father and he was always looking to please his father. John’s confusion with his sexuality ultimately lead to him killing those he sexually encountered because the voices he heard were telling him it would please his father. In session we will discuss with John  and his family ways in which the environment John is brought up in could be altered. Conceptualization of Human Nature According to Family Theory The goal of Family Therapy models is to take the problem presented by the individual dealing with their relationships with other people in the family setting and change the negative aspects (Franklin). The Family Therapy counselor believes the development of family life include family life cycle, family life spiral, and the family genogram (Capuzzi Gross, 2011) The family life spiral looks at how the members of the family go through the stages of development from young to old age. The family life spiral looks at generations and how they coincide with each other. The genogram charts development of generations. Counseling Goals The overall objective is for John Wayne Gacy to be able to find a way to cope with his anger towards his father and to be able to express how his father’s abuse towards the family affected him in a negative way. John said he wants to break down the barrier between him and his father because he loves him and ultimately wants to make him proud. To advocate for this John’s goal is to try and change the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of his family system (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). In other words he wants to change the environment in the Gacy household completely around. The abuse needs to stop, the constant pressure needs to stop, and the pointing out of his weaknesses needs to be approached differently. Course of Treatment In order to get a complete understanding I believe the first action that needs to be taken is the nuclear family emotional system needs to be broken down, what this is looking at is the possible relationships with in a family and look at where problems could possibly come about. For John, 3 of the relationship patterns are touched upon in his situation. His father is abusive to his mother and siblings, in John’s fathers eyes there is an impairment of John because he likes boys, and lastly there is an emotional disturbance suffered by John because of his father’s view of him (Genpro). The second part that needs to be addressed is differentiation of self which is the dependency on others to give acceptance and approval. This is something John struggled with and never received from his father. He never felt like his father truly accepted him or approved of the life style that he lived (Genpro). John agreed to do 2 things a day to satisfy his needs, meaning if he wanted to work in the community do it because it made him feel good not because he wants or needs approval from his father. Treatment plan was developed and signed by John and we will meet on a weekly basis. Family Therapy Interventions Due to John stating that the pressure his father puts on him within the family system to be successful, the first intervention to be used will be the family interview. We will follow the five stages of the interview which are social, problem, interaction, goal setting, and ending (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). This interview will give me the tools necessary to properly assess the situation. The interview will also help John and his family understands how each other feels and come up with some interventions to help facilitate change. â€Å"the first obligation of a therapist is to change the presenting problem offered. If that is not accomplished, the therapy is a failure† (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). The first intervention needs to address the problem that John has presented, based upon the interview the interventions that will be implemented will be geared towards progressing with Johns presenting problem. Research Support The research that was obtained was very helpful in forming a counseling plan or treatment plan for this particular client. Family Therapy is known for helping individuals whose presenting problems deal with issues that stem from the family and the environment the individual was brought up in. Family therapy is the best way to look at â€Å"the patterns of communication and the relationships that connect people with one another and to their social and physical environments† (Capuzzi Gross, 2011, p. 287). In this case we will be looking at how John fits into his family and what his father’s expectations are of John. Interviewing as an intervention will be crucial in figuring out John place in the family and seeing how his and his father’s view of the roles conflict with each other. Family therapy allows for John  and his family to work on their problem solving with each other within the family, expressing their individuality with each other, discussing the positive and negative aspect of their family atmosphere as well as with each other on an individual basis, and lastly the acceptance of each other (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). Family therapy allows for clients to understand their environments as well as to understand their role within that environment. The counselor’s role within the session is to basically guide the discussion and conduct the interview. Family Therapy I feel is the best theory to use for a client such as John Wayne Gacy due to his confusion within his family, particularly when it comes to the relationship with his father and the expectation that his father has for him or at least how John see those expectations. Conclusion This counseling plan reviewed the use of Family Therapy for counseling John Wayne Gacy. Family Therapy is designed to be an extensive look at John Wayne Gacy’s family makeup. John Wayne Gacy’s presenting problems are his father abusing him and his family, his father being an alcoholic, he struggles with his sexuality, and he is anti-social. Family therapy is used to deal with these concerns, so for John, the counseling objective is to find a way to cope with his anger towards his father and to be able to express how his father’s abuse towards the family affected him in a negative way. The counseling plan addresses John’s concerns of worrying about his father’s abuse and constant push for perfection as well as his anti-social tendencies. Due the treatment plan and goals presented and the attitude of John to want to get better, I feel that Family Therapy will be successful for John Wayne Gacy as well as his family. References Bell, R., Bardsley, M. (n.d.). John wayne gacy jr. In R. BELL (Ed.), Retrieved from Bell, R. (n.d.). Retrieved from Capuzzi, D., Gross, D. R. (Ed.). (2011). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions (5th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Franklin, C. (n.d.). Retrieved from GenoPro. Family systems theory. Retrieved from Inside John Wayne Gacy’s Mind. Chicago: CBS. Retrieved from Pope, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Making Money the Easy Way :: essays research papers

Slavery has been a very sensitive, touchy subject since, and even before, its abolition in 1865. There is no doubt whatsoever that its one, if not the, worst things to ever take place in the United States. However, this happened a long, long time ago in a different generation. The ancestors of those who were slaves have every right to be angry about what happened, but to try and claim money for it is absurd. Granted it was wrong, it was the way of life in those times. Wealthy white men owned slaves in those days. Paying back these slaves ancestors would not change anything. What’s done is done. Also there are many other needs in this country that this money could help greatly. Doing this would stir up more tension than there already is now. The fact that the country is paying back American Indians and Japanese-Americans is hard to comprehend. These people are being greedy only using their ancestors as an excuse to get their hands on some quick cash.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The world is an ever changing place with new customs, beliefs, and ideas being thought up every day. Times change, and people change. In the 1700’s and the 1800’s it was custom for the rich, white plantation owners to have slaves. As we look back now it is obvious to us that it was wrong but that is the way is was then. There was no law banning it. Think about alcohol. It is bad and causes bad things to happen sometimes, but its legal. So in 100 years will the government give money to anybody who was harmed due to alcohol? The same thing goes for cigarettes. One day down the road people will realize what alcohol and cigarettes do and they may ban them. The world evolves everyday and everyone uses the lessons they learned from past generations in order to fit in well with society and live life to the fullest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What does giving slaves ancestors money solve? Nothing. Slavery took place hundreds of years ago and paying back families does not make anything right. There is nothing that can be done to make what happened better. Paying reparations will not free the slaves. Anyone who is trying to collect reparations is a selfish fool who cares nothing about making things right, they just want money. Paying them back still would not make them feel better about slavery.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics Essay

Not-for-profit organization’s primary goal â€Å"is not to increase shareholder value; rather it is to provide some socially desirable need on an ongoing basis. It generally lacks the financial flexibility of a commercial enterprise because it depends on resource providers that are not engaging in an exchange transaction. The resources provided are directed towards providing goods or services to a client other than the actual resource provider. Thus the not-for-profit must demonstrate its stewardship of donated resources —money donated for a specific purpose must be used for that purpose. † (LII – 1992) For-profit organization’s primary goal is â€Å"making money (a profit), which focuses on a goal such as helping the community and is concerned with money only as much as necessary to keep the organization operating. Most companies considered to be businesses are for profit organizations; this includes anything from retail stores to restaurants to insurance companies to real estate companies. † (Business dictionary) Good abstract! Try not to use dictionaries or encyclopedias as references for college-level papers. Case Study Analysis I have decided to do my case study on the not-for-profit organization â€Å"March of Dimes† and the for-profit organization â€Å"Insurance Companies. † These two different organizations are similar in what they stand for and that is helping the client by any means possible. They are also very different due to the nature of their organization and what they have to offer. I am about to prepare a Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between the For-Profit (Insurance Companies) and Not-for-Profit Organization (March of Dimes). Be sure to give a strong thesis statement in your introductory paragraph. The not-for-profit organization, â€Å"March of Dimes† provides mothers, pregnant women and women of childbearing age with educational resources on baby health, pregnancy, preconception and new motherhood, as well as supplying information and support to families affected by prematurity, birth defects, or other infant health problems. Have you ever thought about how difficult it is for a baby to be born without low birth weight, prematurity, or birth defects? After visiting the March of Dimes website I learned that over 460,000 newborns in the United States alone are born prematurely. I found that the March of Dimes, Mother’s March, and Walk-America were just three of the well-known, not-for-profit organizations in the United States. Each of these organizations main focus is putting an end to prematurity and each work to make their name well-known. The March for Dimes, has been highly effective in advocating for women’s and children’s health. The not-for-profit organization is also a great sponsor for public awareness campaigns; the organization represents some of the most famous names in medicine and is organized into more than 90 local chapters, overseen by a national office. The organization was comprised of volunteers and researchers in a partnership, and today the same holds true. The foreseeable objective of course is to fight until prematurity and birth defects no longer exist. The foundation was founded by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. â€Å"The organization began as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The name â€Å"March of Dimes† coined in the late 1930s by vaudeville star Eddie Cantor as a play on the contemporary newsreel series â€Å"The March of Time† was originally used for the foundation’s annual fundraising event and gradually became synonymous with that of the organization. It was officially adopted as the organization’s name in 1976, when it became known as the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. In 2007, the name became the March of Dimes Foundation. † The March of Dimes original goal or direction for the organization was for eliminating polio and that was done, so then they wanted to make a choice to either change their mission or do away with the organization all together. While putting together all their strengths and weaknesses of the organization they came up expanding the organization against birth defects, arthritis, virus diseases, and premature births. â€Å"They wanted to become a â€Å"flexible force† in the field of public health. † â€Å"The March of Dimes has been described as a bureaucracy that has taken on a life of its own through a classic example of a process called goal displacement. Break-up giant paragraphs into smaller paragraphs! On the other hand, every business or individual is exposed to many different types of risks such as fire, theft, burglary, accident, etc. Some of the risks can be conveyed to companies known as Insurance companies, the for-profit organization. Insurance agencies insure the loss of the insured. It is the best protection against risks to businesses, properties, and life. Like the dangers and risks of businesses, human life is also visible to many different risks. A family generally depends on the income brought in by the head of household, but when a death suddenly occurs, the family may be left in a very different and hard situation. Forever is not a part of the human life. Insurance replaces this by providing financial compensation. Moreover, it is a contract between the insurer and the insured under which the insurer undertakes to compensate the insured for the loss arising from the risk insured against. In consideration the insured agrees to pays premium regularly. Having insurance means that, in exchange for payment; an insurance company agrees to cover the expenses in an event that would otherwise cause financial loss for the policyholder. In short, having insurance means that out-of-pocket expenses can be prevented or diminished. The insurance policy represents a legally binding contractual agreement between the policyholder and the insurance company and spells out how much financial protection is. Some of the ethical perspective and values of the not-for-profit and the for-profit organization is that the March of Dimes is built on their mission statement that very much embraces it first, helping people in need. Volunteers have really studied this mission to guide them through this selfless act. They maintain a high ethical standard and avoid all selfishness. Also defining and enforcing standards of quality service, and striving for continuous improvement. Nevertheless, insurance companies claim that their mission and values are about growth of the people and the company’s performance. It ranks both making a difference and getting things done. Don’t these two organizations have the same concept when they talk about what their ethical perspective and values? They are always looking for ways to improve the organization to bring to more people to them and doing what is right for the customer. However, these two organizations have their set back just like everyone else. Some key problems that the March of Dimes face is stated from the Life Issues Institute: â€Å"For 20 years National Right to Life, its 50 state affiliates and its almost 3,000 chapters have maintained a boycott against giving any contributions to the March of Dimes. The reason for this started back in 1972. At that time, the March of Dimes sponsored a major seminar on genetically handicapped unborn babies. It pioneered the technic of diagnostic, mid-trimester amniocentesis. It began to teach a nation you could take some of the fluid from the sac around the baby in the middle of the pregnancy, and find out if the child had a genetic problem such as Downs Syndrome or spine-a-bifida. Once this was determined, about 95% of these babies would be killed by abortion. † Although the March of Dimes officially takes a neutral stance on abortion, their actions often portray a pro-abortion position. Most recently, they have attempted to hide a clearly established link between abortion and premature births. March of Dimes, whose motto is â€Å"Saving Babies, Together†, must be more vigilant in educating women who have had previous abortions of the need to receive adequate prenatal care during subsequent pregnancies. This is would be the biggest problem that the March of Dimes has to face, but there are so many followers that believe what this organization does because they agree with that their mission statement says and their values. â€Å"We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies. Recognizing, respecting and balancing the rights, roles, health and safety. † This organization has come a long way from when it was first founded and all the research has been for such a great cause, there is no stopping them now. Insurance companies too face dilemmas in their own organization with moral hazard and adverse selection: â€Å"Due to the existence of the insurance policy has altered your behavior. You take more risks, making a loss from burglary more likely than if you were uninsured. When the person on one side of a bargain knows more about what is being bought and sold than the person on the other side. Also, the tendency for people who are more at risk than the average to purchase insurance and for those who are less at risk than the average to reject insurance. † Insurance companies are driven by success and without a little selfishness; they would not be where they are today. Yes, they do help out the customer, but something has to come to a price (the final print). So I would say it is not in a bad way due to the fact they help out people in certain events and we feel that sense of protection when we walk out of an insurance agency. These key problems impact the organizations much more then we know. In the March of Dimes situation people will not know if they should trust them and maybe they will start to thin that they are just all talk. After all the hard work the organization is going to have to put their heads together to come up with a strategy to reassure these mothers that they are the real deal and they are the ones that can help in their time of need. If it is for your children as a parent I will do anything possible for the health and safety of my children. As far as insurance goes, people will get discouraged and just rather not pay, drive and live without insurance. So they will just deal with it when it happens. In my opinion, is not worth it. I have worked with insurance for the past 7 years and I have seen people in all different kinds of situations, but because they put themselves there. We try to explain everything in the best way that we can, but some people still are not convinced that the insurance companies want to help. I think that due to this is when the rates or premiums go up and people are wondering why, this is where the company gets selfish. Once the company reaches the point they want they will come back down. So in my experience in working with them, I think people will realize that they need insurance when something happens and they cannot get out of it by themselves and they need help. Insurance companies are there to help, but for a price. As I am reading your paper, I realized that you do not have any in-text citations with supporting discussion from your references. This concludes the study of theories and paradigms underlying personal and organizational values and ethical principles, how personal values and ethical principles relate to the organizations in which people function, and the effects of the organization’s ethics on its reputation, functioning and performance. As much as I know now about the Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between the For-Profit (Insurance Companies) and Not-for-Profit Organization (March of Dimes) they are two organizations that want one thing and that is to help the customer. Both have good mission and value statements that they should stick too and continue doing what they are doing. The March of Dimes is here to offer the help to mothers that they cannot get anywhere else for them and their children. You can meet some really great people along the way that are sharing the struggles as you and all they have on their mind the well-being of their children. Insurance companies will not go away and they will not stop being selfish, but this is for the better. You feel more protect when you walk out the door of your home and get into your vehicle or close up at your business. Yes, things will happen, but there is someone their help you out and get you out of something that you cannot do alone. I love my job and what I do! People just remember to just get informed when purchasing insurance and don’t be afraid ask questions about something you have no idea about. Same goes for the March of Dimes, there is so much information on the web about this organization and how they are willing to help you. Don’t get discouraged just one piece of bad article you read. Go and find out, what is the worst that can happen when you just want more information on who to trust in your situation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing Campaigns and Ethical Perspectives

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Session: 3 Subject: The Social and Ethical Perspective of Entrepreneurship Case: A Friend For Life The Glades Company is a small manufacturer. It has produces and marketed a number of different toys and appliances that have done very well in the marketplace. Late last year, the product designer at the company, Tom Bringer, told the President, Paula Glades, that he had invented a small, cuddly, talking bear that might have a great deal of appeal. The bear is made of fluffy brown material that stimulate our, and it had a tape inside that contains 50 messages.The Glades Company decided to find out exactly how much market appeal the bear would have. Fifty of the bears were produced and placed In the kindergartens and nurseries around town. The results were better than the firm had hoped. One of the nurseries reported: â€Å"The bear was so popular that most of the children wanted to take it home for an evening. † Another said the bear was the most t oy in the school. Based on these data, the company decided to manufacture and market 1,000 of the bears. At the same time, a catchy marketing slogan was formulated: â€Å"A Friend For Life. The bear was marketed as a product a child could play with for years and years. The first batch of 1,000 bears sold out within a week. The company then scheduled another production run, this time 25,000 bears. Last week. In the middle of the production run, a problem was uncovered. The process of making the bear fur was much more expensive than anticipated. The company Is now faced with two options: It can absorb the extra cost and have the simulated fur produced, or It can use a bustiest fur that will not last as long.Specifically, the Orlando simulated fur will last for up to seven years of normal use: the less expensive simulated fur will last for only eight months. Some of the managers at Glade believe that most children are not interested in playing with the same toy for more than eight mon ths; therefore, substituting the less-expensive simulated for the more expensive fur should be no problem. Others believe that the company will damage its reputation if it have opts for the substitute fur.We are going to have complaints within eight months, and we are going to repent the day we agreed to a cheaper substitute,† the production manager argues. The sales manager disagrees, contending that â€Å"the market Is ready for this product, and we ought to provide It. † In the middle of this crawls, the accounting department Issued Its cost analysis of the venture. If the company goes with the more expensive simulated fur, it will lose $ 2. 75 per bear. If it chooses the less-expensive simulated The final decision on the matter rests with Paula Glades.People on both sides of the issue have given her their opinion. One of the last to speak was the vice president of manufacturing, who said â€Å"If you opt for the less expensive fur, think of what it is going to do t o your marketing campaign of ‘A Friend For Life. ‘ Are you going to change the slogan to ‘ A Friend For Eight Months'? † But the marketing vice president argued a different course of action: â€Å"We have a fortune tied up in this bear. If you stop production now or go to the more-expensive substitute, we'll lose or shirts. We aren't owing anything illegal by substituting the fur.The bear looks the same. Who's to Questions for discussion: 1 . Is the recommendation of the vice president marketing legal? Is it ethical? Why or why not? The marketing vice president has recommended that production continue using the substitute fur. While this is not illegal, since there are no laws specifically governing what type of simulated fur is used, it is unethical to delude the public into thinking the product is of high quality when the material is actually of low quality. Especially nice the company knows exactly what it is doing in trading away good faith and trust for the sake of profits. . Would it be ethical if the firm used the less expensive simulated fur but did not change its slogan of â€Å"A Friend For Life† and did not tell the buyer about the change in the production process? Why or why not? No, it would not be ethical since the firm had already produced 26,000 bears with the higher quality simulated fur that lasts seven years. The continued production of bears under the same slogan â€Å"A Friend for Life† but with lower-quality simulated fur expected to last only eight months is consumer fraud.Thus, while the legal question may be debated as to the actual fraud, the ethics question is not debatable. This is a prime example of disregard for ethics. 3. If you were advising Paula, What would you recommend? As an adviser to Paula, you should utilize Table 6. 3, which illustrates the various approaches to management ethics. The column dealing with â€Å"moral management† explains the different aspects of ethics concer ned with motives, goals, orientation to the law, and strategy.The strategy segment especially applies to Paula in that she must assume a leadership role when ethical dilemmas arise. In dealing with consumers, enlightened self- interest means that by having concern for others will find that either full disclosure to†¦ One of the most important attributes for small business success, is the distinguishing quality of practicing admirable business ethics. Business ethics, practiced throughout the deepest layers of a company, become the heart and soul of the company's culture and can mean the difference between success and failure

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


amy amy - triple science student Essay Static electricity 15 May 2014 20:13 Static electricity is due to electric charge building up and friction. A neutral object has an equal amount of protons and electrons and becomes Negatively charged when it gains electrons. Only electrons transfer in an atom and are transferred by friction. + + = repel + - = attract - - = repel Uses of static electricity Photocopier - the coping plate is given a charge. An image of the page is projected on the Charged copying plate. Where light hits the plate and the charge leaks away leaving a pattern on the page. Black ink powder is attracted to the charged parts of the plate. Blank ink powder transferred onto the paper. The paper is heated so the powder melts and sticks to the paper. This is now a photocopy. Car paint sprayer - the spray gun is positively charged so every paint particle is also. The car given a negative charge so attracts paint. Less paint wasted. Vehicle receives even coat and covers shadow zones. Smoke precipitator - smoke is solid particles. The smoke particles are given a negative charge when are passed through negatively charged grid. so they are attracted to positive collecting plates. Plates are knocked to remove particles. Earthing of fuel pipes - an object they may be charged is connected to the earth through an earth wire so charge flows through pipe. This is down with aeroplanes and lorries preventing sparks igniting for a fire or explosion. AN ELECTRIC CURRENT IS THE FLOW OF NEGATIVELY CHARGED ELECTRONS THROUGH CONDUCTING MATERIALS AND IS MEASURED IN AMPS. ELECTRIC CHARGE IS MEASURED IN COULOMB. AMOUNT OF ELECTRIC CHARGE THAT MOVES IN A CIRCUIT DEPENDS ON THE CURRENT FLOW AND HOW LONG IT FLOWS FOR. CHARGE = CURRENT X TIME COULOMB AMP SECONDS Q I T Parallel and series circuits. Parallel - multiple pathways Series - one pathway / route. .Q:. "It  ¥0 or Junction series Series circuit - potential difference is shared. Bulbs are resistors. Parallel circuit - potential difference same for all bulbs. V=V1=V2 Series circuit - current stays the same throughout Parallel circuit - the current is split between the two pathways. Current, potential difference and resistance. Resistance is the push against the flow of electrons so reduces the size of the current. Causes of resistance Current Conductors Collisions Heating effect Resistance Resistance = P.D à ·current v RI : in RI v." X Resistance is measured in ohms - â„ ¦ A resistor reduces current. A variable resistor allows its resistance to be changed. A fixed resistor has a resistance that remains the same. resistor Fixed resistor Low current gives a dim light bulb and low resistance in bulb. High current gives a bright light bulb and a high resistance in bulb. This is because there is more electron and collisions into the atoms of tungsten causing friction and resistance which gives heat and the bulb has the most resistance when it is hot. V= energy per unit charge. Directly proportional Temp. constant Gradient constant Resistance constant current Voltage Steeper the gradient Of the line the lower the resistance. Current Voltage Ohms law : "the current through a resistor is directly proportional to the Potential difference applied to it as long as the temperature remains constant". The resistance would be constant at a constant temperature Transferring energy When current flows through a resistor energy is transferred to the resistor so it warms. A current in a wire is a flow of electrons, as the electrons move in a metal they collide with the ions in the lattice and transfer energy to them. Power is the energy transferred every second. is P = I x V

Monday, October 21, 2019

Congree and Foreign Powers essays

Congree and Foreign Powers essays Congress has important powers in the areas of foreign policy and national defense. Chief among these are the power to declare war, to create and maintain an army and navy, to make rules governing land and naval forces, such as the draft and registering for selective service, and to regulate foreign commerce. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gives the President certain powers concerning foreign affairs. Two such powers are the power to appoint diplomatic positions, like ambassadors, and the power to make treaties. However, the Senate has a unique check on the President's power concerning these foreign affairs. The Constitution gives the Senate the power of "advice and consent" on all treaties. The President may make treaties with foreign governments, but a two-thirds vote of the Senate must ratify them. The Senate must also confirm presidential appointments to diplomatic posts. This power was intended to give the Senate an opportunity to screen applicants for foreign- policy positions and thus help determine foreign policy. Usually the Senate is willing to accept the persons the President appoints to diplomatic posts. I think that the power Congress has over foreign policy to check the President in times of a foreign policy crisis is insufficient. For example, during the Persian Gulf War, Bush had used his authority as commander in chief to build up American forces in the Persian Gulf without asking for congressional approval. Congress offered little resistance and had little to say because many lawmakers were busy running for reelection. Many members feared that challenging the President's actions would be a huge political risk. If Bush chose war and was successful, lawmakers who opposed the President would become unpopular. These actions taken by Congress demonstrates how insufficient they really are. Congress is lazy and slow when it comes to dealing with its responsibilities. At the time, they were more co...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid

10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid 10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid 10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid By Maeve Maddox If you want to write clear, correct English, you certainly need to pay attention to the grammar rules. To help you with that, we collaborated with the folks from Grammarly and Write To Done to create a list with 30 common grammar mistakes you should avoid. Enjoy! Mistake 1: Using whom as a subject INCORRECT: Fire personnel radioed deputies to stop the driver, whom, according to reports, appeared to have been under the influence of intoxicants. CORRECT : Fire personnel radioed deputies to stop the driver, who, according to reports, appeared to have been under the influence of intoxicants. In this sentence, the pronoun is the subject of the verb appeared and therefore requires the subject form who. The object form of who is whom, which functions as the object of a verb or as the object of a preposition: That is the man whom I saw at the window. (object of the verb saw) Did he say to whom he sent the letter? (object of the preposition to) The misuse of whom as a subject frequently occurs when a phrase intervenes between the pronoun and its subject. Be especially careful with such expressions as â€Å"according to so-and-so,† â€Å"in my opinion,† â€Å"one suspects,† etc. Less frequently, but more embarrassingly, whom is sometimes substituted for who when little or nothing stands between it and its verb, as in this sentence taken from a news account: â€Å"An off-duty fireman whom lives in the area provided immediate assistance.† Mistake 2: Unnecessary would in a wish about the past INCORRECT: Ten Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Was Twenty CORRECT : Ten Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Twenty The opportunity for knowing the ten things existed in the past, but exists no longer. The tense required, therefore, is the past perfect (had + past participle). Mistake 3: Dangling modifier INCORRECT: At the age of four, Sam’s family moved from Florida, Missouri, to Hannibal. CORRECT : At the age of four, Sam moved with his family from Florida, Missouri, to Hannibal. Modifiers should be positioned as closely as possible to the element they modify. The modifying phrase â€Å"At the age of four† modifies â€Å"Sam,† not â€Å"Sam’s family.† Mistake 4: Subject-Verb disagreement with delayed subject INCORRECT: There goes Sally and Greg on their way to the movies. CORRECT : There go Sally and Greg on their way to the movies. Subjects and verbs must agree in number. When a sentence begins with here or there, the true subject of the sentence follows the verb. â€Å"Sally and Greg† is a plural subject, so the verb go must also be plural: â€Å"Sally and Greg go.† Mistake 5: Incorrect use of object pronouns INCORRECT: Me and my brothers all have college degrees in business. CORRECT : My brothers and I all have college degrees in business. Several English pronouns retain different forms that indicate their function in a sentence. Me is an object form. In the example, it is incorrectly used as the subject of the verb have. Other object forms often used incorrectly are him, her, us, them, and whom. Mistake 6: Incorrect use of subject pronouns INCORRECT: The owner was most kind to my wife and I as we toured the grounds. CORRECT : The owner was most kind to my wife and me as we toured the grounds. I is a subject pronoun form. It is correctly used as the subject of a verb. Its object form is me, which is used as the object of a verb or, as in this example, the object of a preposition (to). Not all English pronouns retain an object form. The pronouns that do have subject and object forms are he/him, she/her, we/us, they/them, and who/whom. Mistake 7: Inappropriate use of reflexive pronoun forms INCORRECT: Jack and myself built the company from scratch. CORRECT : Jack and I built the company from scratch. A pronoun that ends in -self or -selves is called a reflexive pronoun. This type of pronoun refers to a noun or personal pronoun that occurs elsewhere in the sentence. For example, â€Å"He cut himself shaving.† In this example, himself refers to the same person as the one meant by He. A typical error is to use a reflexive pronoun in place of a personal pronoun: INCORRECT: Thank you for everything you did for myself and my family. CORRECT : Thank you for everything you did for me and my family. Note: A more polite usage is to put me last in the phrase: Thank you for everything you did for my family and me. Mistake 8: Incorrect use of did instead of had in certain â€Å"if clauses† One use of the conjunction if is to introduce a clause that states an action that would have changed an outcome. For example, â€Å"If I hadn’t missed the train, I would be in London now.† A common error is to use did instead of had, as in this headline: INCORRECT: [Celebrity] thinks he would be dead now if he didn’t give up alcohol and drugs CORRECT : [Celebrity] thinks he would be dead now if he hadn’t given up alcohol and drugs The person mentioned in the headline actually said (correctly), â€Å"I honestly don’t think I’d be alive if I hadn’t stopped drinking.† The tense required is the past perfect (had + past participle). Mistake 9: Incorrect irregular verb forms Most English verbs form the past and past participle by adding -ed to the base form. For example: walk, walked, (has) walked believe, believed, (has) believed jump, jumped, (has) jumped However, a few high-frequency verbs have irregular past forms, for example: run, ran, (has) run go, went, (has) gone come, came, (has) come Errors with irregular verb forms are becoming common in the media and in articles written by university graduates. Such errors are perhaps evidence that elementary school teachers no longer drill their students on the irregular verb forms. Here are typical errors: INCORRECT: Mary loves to read, has ran for office and has an articulate way of telling it like it is.- Biographical note, KZNU. CORRECT : Mary loves to read, has run for office and has an articulate way of telling it like it is. INCORRECT: Deluna-Martinez is alleged to have went into one student’s account and dropped that student’s classes.- News item, KRCR CORRECT : Deluna-Martinez is alleged to have gone into one student’s account and dropped that student’s classes. INCORRECT: Deep Impact could have just so happened to hit one of these cometesimals, while the gas seen before impact might have came from a different region on the comet with different chemistry.- Scientific article, NASA site. CORRECT : Deep Impact could have just so happened to hit one of these cometesimals, while the gas seen before impact might have come from a different region on the comet with different chemistry. Note: A cometesimal is a â€Å"mini-comet.† Mistake 10: Omitting that when it is needed after say When there is no intervening conjunction, that may be omitted after the verb say: The witness said she overheard the defendant threaten to burn the man’s house down. However, if a conjunction such as after, although, because, before, in addition to, until, or while intervenes between the verb say and its object, that is needed to avoid ambiguity: INCORRECT: Santana said after he stopped recording, he watched for a few more minutes but never saw anyone perform CPR. CORRECT : Santana said that after he stopped recording, he watched for a few more minutes but never saw anyone perform CPR. Now visit Write To Done for 10 more grammar mistakes to avoid, and the Grammarly Blog for yet 10 more! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesThe Many Forms of the Verb TO BE35 Synonyms for Rain and Snow

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The impact of technology on today's lifestyle Essay

The impact of technology on today's lifestyle - Essay Example Moreover, a sociological increase into the way in which technology has shifted interpersonal dynamics, relationships, and communication has been conducted by a variety of researchers and convincingly pointed to the fact that the current era of texting, instant messaging, Facebook et al has significantly decreased the amount of time that individuals spend in face-to-face communication and has moved society convincingly towards something of a more introverted nature. Although introversion in and of itself is not necessarily a poor character trait, it must be noted that the overuse and reliance upon these technological tools which have already been discussed has created a dynamic by which formerly extroverted individuals are merely introverted and carrying out a great deal of interpersonal communication that one might otherwise carry out face-to-face via the Internet or other technologically enabled means. However, communication is not the only thing that suffers from an overdependence upon technology. As will be discussed next, memory recall and the perennial knowledge that any and all information can be readily retrieved has created a situation in which memory and the ability to recall tidbits of information are placed at a much lower premium than they might have been in an era in which the likes of Google or other prominent technological means by which data can be retrieved had existed. As can be seen, there is something to be said for the amount of memory recall that individual can possess and leverage as a means of readily interjecting key understandings and tidbits of fact, data, and history into conversations and pertinent situations. However, with an overdependence upon technology has, situation in which individuals have placed this premium of memory and recall far down on the list of priorities; choosing instead to merely

Friday, October 18, 2019

Modern Day Slavery in the Middle East Research Paper

Modern Day Slavery in the Middle East - Research Paper Example In other cases, children are obliged to labor as slaves through forced marriages and as child soldiers. Studies show that there are more slaves in the 21st era than during any earlier time. Slavery has been in existence in numerous cultures and it predates inscribed records. The figure of slaves currently continues to be as high as 13million to 28 million. Many of them are debt slaves, mostly in South Asia. The slaves are on debt bondage bought upon by lenders, at times even for decades. Slaves and the work they provided were economically crucial in the pre-industrial communities. This paper will therefore discuss how to end modern slavery in the Middle East. An objector's work is not once done. In 1807March 25th, two hundred centuries ago following vigorous petitioning headed by Wilberforce William, Parliament rendered it illegitimate for British vessels to move slaves and importation of slaves by British colonies. (Denmark actually had passed the same law three years previously, ne vertheless only Danes reminisce that.) In 1948, the United Nations seemed to end what Wilberforce & Co hadbegun. This is signifiedin simple language in the (UDHR) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 4: â€Å"Nobody shall be seized in servitude orslavery; slave trade and the slavery shall be forbidden in all theirtypes.† Slavery was formally a worldwide no-nothis is according to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 1). However, in 2007 no one knew there would be many more servitudes in the domain than ever formerly this is according to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 2). An International Labor Organization report proposes slightly 12.3m. While others say, the total figure is approximately 27m. Majority of slaves are in Latin America and Asia. Kevin Bales a sociology professorat University of Roehampton assesses that the cost of an average slave is $100. The charge differs around the domain, and whereas one couldprocure a 20-year-ol d man plantation worker from West Africa for $50, the charge of a good-looking Ukrainian female in North America couldrun overto thousands. When we contemplate of bondage, we incline to contemplate of the 19th-period â€Å"chattel† diversity—Africans fastened in irons, sold off like livestock and hurled to harvest cotton into the Deep South. Overall, modern suppression does notappear —oroperate —greatly like that. Conferring to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 3) what current slaves dobearsome similarity with their cotton-harvesting predecessors, nonetheless, is they cannot picktheir situation and cannot escape it. The major common type of captivity is bonded labor, wherein labor is procured as reimbursement for a debt. It is prevalent inPakistan, India and Nepal. The whole familymay be subjugated in this manner; typically, they happen to be low-caste and untouchable members of the community. Interest is ratedcovering the original debt sum and the pledge can be passed on from one generation to another. Bonded labor may seem as if it has an intended aspectthat excludes it as bondage. However,rendering to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 3) most bonded laborers bear no preference and their share is in fact that of chattel servitude. Other types of slavery are thriving also according to â€Å"The Economist† (Of inhuman bondage par. 4). In Sudan, children and women are kidnapped and auctioned to government-sponsored guerrillas. In Brazil, farmers clear the forest at

Theory Analysis of Madeline Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity and Essay

Theory Analysis of Madeline Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory - Essay Example 62). Simplicity/Parsimony It’s argued that this theoretical perspective is not that of an overarching nursing theory, but instead simply offers theoretical insight into the nature of the cultural aspects of the nurse and client relationship without utilizing a reductionist methodology. In further articulating her theoretical perspective, Leidinger advanced a number of simplified terminologies to better convey the theory of cultural diverse care. Within this mode of understanding some of the primary such definitions include the understanding of care as, â€Å"to assist others with real or anticipated needs in an effort to improve a human condition of concern or to face death† and that of cultural care accommodation as, â€Å"creative nursing actions that help people of a particular culture adapt to or negotiate with oth- ers in the healthcare community in an effort to attain the shared goal of an optimal health outcome for client(s) of a designated culture† (Leidi nger pg. 8). These simplified definitions represent core elements of Leidinger’s theoretical perspective.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Brand Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brand Equity - Essay Example Attrition can quickly set in, rendering them vulnerable to competition. "Consumer-based brand equity is defined as the value of a brand signal to consumers." (Swait 1998, p. 7) . For Marcoms, once again, proactive commitment to customers separates successful companies from the rest. Because positive equity is so critically important an element of customer loyalty, operational flexibility and value innovation are especially meaningful here. Earlier, the lack of customer loyalty in the supermarket industry was discussed, with real equity being quite elusive for most chains (see appendix 1). At the heart of Marcoms equity package is providing convenience, quality, a variety of services, for customers who want it and who will pay more to get it. It is a premium service identified as such by customers because it delivers more. The equity pressure for companies like Marcoms is that, as they continue to raise the bar on customer expectations, they must also be able to see over the bar and continue to anticipate customer needs (Boone and Kurtz 2002). There are a lot of parallels between (1) the effect on loyalty of customer self-expression and choice and (2) the old-fashioned idea of romance and courtship. Customers are fickle; romance can be fickle. Boy meets girl. Boy wins girl. Boy loves her but takes her for granted. Choice is largely driven by a customer's relationships with a service, and with the companies that offer them. It's about experience, and levels of trust and commitment, through contact with suppliers. Because, in most industries, choices are so readily avai lable, customers are increasingly less hesitant to change suppliers. When replacement is perceived as more positive than negative, they'll move on. Industries such as banking and managed care have seen this occur (see appendix 2). This must translate to positive relationships and contacts, earning and keeping customer loyalty (Crawford 2003). "This perspective on brand equity focuses on the impact on consumer utility of a brand's signal credibility, rather than on the mere clarity of the provided information" (Swait 1998, p. 7) For Marcoms, the long-term value strategy is built on creating strong relationships with customers and anticipating their requirements. A significant new challenge is emerging with regard to value. Companies must now strategize with respect to both the physical product and the "virtual" product, such as information. Overlaps in physical and virtual product occur in many industries, particularly those where a tangible product, such as an automobile, and an int angible product, such as service advice or computer-based information support, coexist. Emancipated thinking and embracing the "possible shapes of things to come" now includes strategies that go beyond reliance on the company's own resources. Increasingly, companies are seeking strategic partnerships and relationships that bring complementary strengths, provide greater customer value, and result in higher share of customer (Boone and Kurtz 2002). Marcoms can build its brand equity through advertising. Marcoms should create a positive brand image and promotes its main goals and strategies appealing to emotions and mind of consumers. Perceptions and tributes towards Marcoms brand will be

Chapter Summary - Student Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chapter Summary - Student Aid - Essay Example The cost of college has nearly doubled over the past 20 years, in inflation-adjusted dollars, and college tuition and fees have risen faster than inflation, personal income, consumer prices or even the cost of prescription drugs and health insurance. (2010: 2) The author, based on her in-depth research, also submits to state that the students belonging to lower stratum of society of the USA have far higher percentage of completing their graduation in comparison with those of the middle and higher strata. But the governmental funds and scholarships, once granted to the students on the basis of financial position, have been attached with the grades and scores students get in studies. Hence, the scholarships are divided among the students of all classes, which have accelerated the financial miseries of the students belonging to the lower classes. Though granting of scholarships on the basis of performance in studies is a very healthy trend, but it deprives the financially poor students of the financial support necessary for the completion of their studies. Since they are unable to support themselves, they seek help from different sources. Consequently, private financing companies and organizations are offering their services against heavy in terests, and provide the students with study loans, which become almost impossible to pay by the students. It is therefore instead of deducting the amount of merit based scholarship from the need based one, separate funds must be allocated for the students displaying extraordinary performance in academics and sports. Merit-aid, Clemmitt views, may create heavier loan burdens for low-income students. The University of Maryland recently discovered that low-income students were graduating with more debt than middle and high income students and concluded that its grant program which had 60 percent merit-based awards. (2010: 4) As a result,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Brand Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brand Equity - Essay Example Attrition can quickly set in, rendering them vulnerable to competition. "Consumer-based brand equity is defined as the value of a brand signal to consumers." (Swait 1998, p. 7) . For Marcoms, once again, proactive commitment to customers separates successful companies from the rest. Because positive equity is so critically important an element of customer loyalty, operational flexibility and value innovation are especially meaningful here. Earlier, the lack of customer loyalty in the supermarket industry was discussed, with real equity being quite elusive for most chains (see appendix 1). At the heart of Marcoms equity package is providing convenience, quality, a variety of services, for customers who want it and who will pay more to get it. It is a premium service identified as such by customers because it delivers more. The equity pressure for companies like Marcoms is that, as they continue to raise the bar on customer expectations, they must also be able to see over the bar and continue to anticipate customer needs (Boone and Kurtz 2002). There are a lot of parallels between (1) the effect on loyalty of customer self-expression and choice and (2) the old-fashioned idea of romance and courtship. Customers are fickle; romance can be fickle. Boy meets girl. Boy wins girl. Boy loves her but takes her for granted. Choice is largely driven by a customer's relationships with a service, and with the companies that offer them. It's about experience, and levels of trust and commitment, through contact with suppliers. Because, in most industries, choices are so readily avai lable, customers are increasingly less hesitant to change suppliers. When replacement is perceived as more positive than negative, they'll move on. Industries such as banking and managed care have seen this occur (see appendix 2). This must translate to positive relationships and contacts, earning and keeping customer loyalty (Crawford 2003). "This perspective on brand equity focuses on the impact on consumer utility of a brand's signal credibility, rather than on the mere clarity of the provided information" (Swait 1998, p. 7) For Marcoms, the long-term value strategy is built on creating strong relationships with customers and anticipating their requirements. A significant new challenge is emerging with regard to value. Companies must now strategize with respect to both the physical product and the "virtual" product, such as information. Overlaps in physical and virtual product occur in many industries, particularly those where a tangible product, such as an automobile, and an int angible product, such as service advice or computer-based information support, coexist. Emancipated thinking and embracing the "possible shapes of things to come" now includes strategies that go beyond reliance on the company's own resources. Increasingly, companies are seeking strategic partnerships and relationships that bring complementary strengths, provide greater customer value, and result in higher share of customer (Boone and Kurtz 2002). Marcoms can build its brand equity through advertising. Marcoms should create a positive brand image and promotes its main goals and strategies appealing to emotions and mind of consumers. Perceptions and tributes towards Marcoms brand will be

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Accidental Tourist- Macon's Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Accidental Tourist- Macon's Change - Essay Example The novel is mainly based on Macon Leary and how his metamorphosis comes about. How one deals with death and tragedy matters a lot, Macon loses his son in a shoot-out so he is clearly shown as a devastated man, the same also affects his marriage with his life and they decide to separate. The process of reconciliation is important, initially Macon does not want to be friendly with anyone, he is hostile and extremely upset because he loses his son but he later changes his attitude and adapts well in-spite of his great loss. Sarah and Muriel are the two love interests in the life of Macon, Muriel is his lover in the novel and Sarah is his wife. Some very interesting and important sequences of events happen in Paris. Macon gets injured in Paris in the novel, his back gets badly hurt and Sarah looks after him. He gets to juxtapose the qualities of the two women this time around, in doing so he finds that he is really uncomfortable with Sarah and he has to be someone else when he is with h is wife Sarah. On the other hand he finds life to be rosy when he is with Muriel; he is really comfortable when she is around. This makes a lot of difference in how events unfold in the novel, Macon also changes a lot after he notices such fine differences in the two women in his life. â€Å"In spite of Muriel’s difference from Macon in age, class, and outlook on life, once Macon has admitted to her his pain over Ethan’s death, he comes to realize, that she too, has been hurt in her life, that he is not the only person ever to feel pain.† (The Accidental Tourist) Macon changes and finds that even though Muriel is eccentric she is much different from Sarah and he falls for her. "Now that Ethan's dead I sometimes wonder if there's any point to life," Macon responds, "It never seemed to me there was all that much point to begin with."  (The Accidental Tourist) The way Sarah dealt with the loss of their child was extremely different from the way Macon dealt with t he loss, the differences between the two most important characters of the novel are very important to observe to be able to determine the extent of change Macon went through in the novel. â€Å"When Macon is with Muriel he is not detached and cold; he gradually comes to see other people in the world not as faceless mobs of people but as individuals doing the best they can to get through life† (The Accidental Tourist) Macon realizes the differences between Sarah and Muriel; he wanted to start a relationship with Muriel in-spite of their differences. There were quite a few differences between the two, their age was not ideal nor was anything else, both belonged to different cultures and Sarah had even pointed out the changes but they complimented each other well. â€Å"He had not taken steps very often in his life   . . . all seemed to have simply befallen him.   He couldn’t think of a single major act he had managed of his own accord.   Was it too late to begin?à ‚   Was there any way he could learn to do things differently.† (The Accidental Tourist) Macon finally realized that Muriel was the woman who brought the best out of him each day and he can be happy should he decide to stay with Muriel. His outlook towards life changed because of Muriel, with Sarah he was a very different person and with Muriel he was another person. â€Å"

Monday, October 14, 2019

Psychological Testing Essay Example for Free

Psychological Testing Essay There comes a time when we all come across a specific test such as school tests, driving test, or even as simple as food tasting test. However, there is a difference between regular tests and testing’s when referring to psychological testing. There are several different psychological tests that many psychiatrists, psychologists, and school counselors use to determine certain abilities, however each of the tests are used for a specific purpose. It is vital for the individuals to contain high knowledge of the tests before applying it to others. Defining â€Å"Test† According to the medical dictionary, psychological tests are defined as written, visual and verbal evaluations administered to assess the cognitive and emotional functions of children and adults (Psychological Tests, 2012). The purpose for psychological testing is to determine the mental abilities, personality traits, achievements and abilities, and neurological functioning. Although, we all have a basic idea of what the definition of â€Å"test† is, however according to (Hogan, 2007), they developed six-element to define â€Å"test†: A test is a standardized process or device that yields information about a sample of behavior or cognitive processes in a quantified manner (Hogan, 2007). Major Categories of Tests There are five major categories of tests that are applied by trained professionals in the field of psychology. The five major categories are mental ability tests, achievement tests, personality tests, interests and attitudes tests, and neuropsychological tests (Hogan, 2007). The mental ability test is applied to test the cognitive functions, such as memory, spatial visualization, and creative thinking (Hogan, 2007). Within the category of mental ability tests, it is separated into other categories of tests that may also be applied such as; individual administered intelligence tests, group administered tests, along with several other ability tests. Second, the achievement tests are created to help determine the placements of students in school based on their knowledge and skills. Achievement tests are subdivides in to batteries, single subject, and certification and licensing, government sponsored programs, and individual assessment tests (Hogan, 2007). Third of the major category tests is the personality tests, with this test professionals are able to determine the reasoning of the human personality. Within this category it is also alienated into other subdivisions such as objective tests and projective techniques (Hogan, 2007). Next is the interest and attitudes tests, these tests are put together to help individuals maintain focus on a specific subject of interests either if it is in school or in a job placement. This category is subdivided by vocational interests and attitude scales (Hogan, 2007). Lastly, the neuropsychological tests, the main purpose of this test is to illustrate information of the functioning of the central nervous system, mainly focusing on the information coming from the human brain (Hogan, 2007). Uses and Users Just as all psychological tests are categorized, not all tests are applied for the same use and the same users. Each test is done by a trained or professional to determine what is the situation based on the results and to see what treatment is best for the individual. There are four major psychological tests users are clinical, educational, personal and research (Hogan, 2007). Clinical users are professionals in the psychology field of clinical psychology, counseling, school psychology and neuropsychology. Psychologists use several methods of tests to identify the nature and severity of the problem, and perhaps provide some suggestions on how to deal with the problem (Hogan, 2007). The users of educational settings are teachers, educational administrators, parents and the general public. The major use of educational settings is to establish the ability and achievements of an individual. Another reason that users use educational is to predict the success in academic work (Hogan, 2007). Next, the users that use personal tests as there usage are business and military. Psychological test are used by these users to acquire the right individual for the task or to fill a position in job placements (Hogan, 2007). The last test use and users is research, the users in this category are varied and it is used to test the education and other social/behavioral sciences (Hogan, 2007). Reliability and Validity According to research reliability is best defined as, is the test is reliable if it produces the same results over and over again, when measuring the same thing. As to validity, it is defined as, a test is valid if it measures what you think it measures, as determined by some independent way of measuring the same thing (Dewey, 2007). It is important to psychologists to understand not to use the wrong test for a different purpose than what the actual purpose was. Then the validity of the measurements of the test scores is not reliable. Conclusion To summarize, psychological tests are being used by many users to acquire adequate results of an individual either if it is for school, careers, or just a personal socialization. Also, as research continues to advance more tests will continue to be implemented to better help others and to have a better result on the treatment that is to be used by the users.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Looking At Personal And Professional Development Social Work Essay

Looking At Personal And Professional Development Social Work Essay The purpose of this essay is to offer the reader examples of my understanding in personal and professional development. The discussions of two ethical dilemmas, offered by comments on ways of dealing with them are included. It will further conclude with an evaluation of my support and supervision during the practice placement setting. My self-awareness resulted through childhood difficulties. In the gradual process of maturing I have become more conscious of my inner feelings, attitudes and thoughts, and through relating more to myself I have become a well-informed person. Individuals entering Social Work choose this career because similarities exist with other people, service users. However, to practice I should not dwell on personal experiences (Lishman, Adams, Dominelli Payne, 2009), and should move into brushing up my skills. Having natural ability is good, but in an ever changing world and reform of Social Services growing new awarenesss and understandings is good. The process of professionally developing derived from learning my own internalisation, absorption and the way in which I accepted a certain situation. For example, I observed another worker meet a mother and during the gathering of information she delivered her questions and explanations clearly. This was acceptable to the mum; she appeared relaxed and had no need to ask for further confirmation. My approaches seemed complicated and unsatisfactory at that point. I wanted change and felt motivated to try this workers method. In a different meeting conducted only by me I adopted the approach and incorporated it within my interaction. This was a better way to conduct an interview. I relayed my experience to the manager and through speaking to him I finally realised the connection between personal and professional development. In realising that I gained professional development through observing another I found myself wondering where else I could develop. Without trying I went into another colleagues office to pass a message onto her and by chance I noticed an aspect of her office organisation to be a better than mine. In an unconscious and instant comparison I realised my office organisation was not as well set out. My rearrangement of office resulted out of an unplanned observation. I was not only able find inspiration in others, but to find it when not expecting too surprised me. In adopting this better way I was able prioritise my workload by viewing what was in front of me, plus by pinning my notes on a desktop board I could write my notes without wading through paperwork. Enhancing my professionality through conscious and unconscious internalisation processes it has allowed me to replace the once known displaced professional work related knowledge and skills to a newer and even more superior professional work related knowledge and skills. By growing I have learnt to reducate myself and by updating my beliefs and values I can be proactive, overcome faults, weaknesses and insecurities. Part 2 Social Workers work relentlessly toward enhancing all peoples wellbeing, offering a large focus on meeting needs and empowering the vulnerable, oppressed and those suffering from poverty. Modern day professionals must observe environmental forces as they can make, and add to pressures already endured by clients. To end discrimination, oppression, poverty and social injustices Social Workers implement a Code of Ethics throughout all working practices. The embracing of core values, ethical principles and ethical standards assists Social Workers to make decisions and behave accordingly when faced with ethical dilemmas. During the practice placement a child required support. He was experiencing behavioural problems resulting from sexual abuse. To provide support for this child I was required to meet with the mother and do a screening report. During contact I presented an information sharing form, an explanation of the service, its purpose and usefulness. This was to inform the mother of her rights and allow for an insight into the charity, and its services. The child was asked to be absent as I wanted to get the mums perspective on things. In gathering background information Mum disclosed that her son was partially blind and required specialist Braille books. On return to the service and disclosure of my findings to the Children Service Manager I was told we had no reading materials suitable for this type of disability, therefore the provision of services could not be offered. It was felt that we could not meet his needs and a more specialised service should be found. This did not sit well with me. The child was being discriminated against because we did not have specialised materials. To reduce any possible conflict I let the conversation die down before approaching the subject again. Meanwhile, I thought of ways in which the child could be included within the service. In another meeting with the CSM I recommended that we ask to borrow a selection of materials from the mother. The CSM agreed. In a phonecall the mother agreed. She was elated. The child went on to have non-directive play and I was later informed that through use of the books brought from his home he had felt comfortable enough to disclose some of his bad memories. The service believed this to be a worthwhile cause and later purchased materials, staffs have signed up for new training. Another instance, Social Workers may often be oppressed within an organisation. I found myself within such a scenario. My placement began with an allocated Practice Teacher/Link Supervisor and our relationship begun to develop positively. Sadly a staff member died and shock hit the team. I briefly knew the woman, but for others they worked closely with her for years. I distanced myself and waited on the grieving process beginning, but it never appeared. Healing from a loss involves coming to terms with the loss and the meaning of the loss in your life (Family, 2009). The effects of losing the valuable team member and friend caused my Practice Teacher/Link Supervisor to withdraw from the group, she became quiet and non-engaging! I had to learn, but with no experience in working with children I too found myself lost in the process and did not know which way to turn. The Practice Teacher/Link Supervisor was my first port of call and whilst empathising with her situation I had approach her. She acted coldly, therefore any further approaches made me feel awkward and stressed. This continued for a fortnight and something had to give. In understanding the relationship between and among people change is sometimes required. I met with the CSM and aired my concerns. I believed I was not being treated fairly, nor respected. The CSM emailed all staff with the Five Step Programme Personal Life Changes. I put my head down and got on with my work, but still the atmosphere did not change. If anything the once friendly attitudes from everyone changed. Being in this situation I fully understand how one person can influence others and how group dynamics can change. The conflict was not resolved and for workers to forget their roots in practice says a lot. This example has taught me to remember the Code of Ethics when working with clients, but also to incorporate them into my work when working with colleagues. Part 3 Planned informal and formal supervision did not occur during the infancy stages of my learning. It can be argued that poor management was to blame. Once structures were in place it was time to explore my practice, my time to learn, a time to facilitate my growth. During preparation for supervision a requirement to select experiences for discussion scared the hell out of me, and in not having supervision previously what would I take? Armed with a planned agenda I entered what seemed to be the war zone (1st formal supervision). Encouraged to discuss my experiences I slowly began, during explanations there appeared to be an unsettling period. My own experiences were surfacing which resulted in an awkward fidgetiness. When quizzed I denied the reason. I did not want to appear incapable of my job. I breathed deeply and moved on. Confidence returned and I finalised my explanations. Achieving what could have been disastrously resulted in my first attempt to separate personal from professional experiences. Standing as a professional in other supervisions I reflected on experiences. It was like looking in a mirror, strengths and weakness became visible. Strengths were praised, but weakness required work, one weakness meant the return to literature. Applying knowledge to practice is one thing, but to understand what that knowledge is can be another thing. To apply my understanding I put my evidence into written pieces of work. During the review of my work it led to judgement. I was told work situations can be complex at times, but only if you allow them to be. Keep things clear and simple. My recognition of this phrase meant that I was being coached to identify thought processes and move from being ignorant to understanding. Feedback like this was good because not only was I learning to reflect, but I was also motivated to alter my future thinking. The contribution of support and supervision proved to be valuable, despite it being offered half through the placement. I recognise that self-awareness is part of the reflective process. To have my values and beliefs heard allowed me to become a happier worker; it also allowed change in the way I practised. With the willingness to accept positive and negative feedback I was able to adapt the way in which I thought. Nearer the end of placement it benefitted my practice and reduced the amount of support that I once required. To progress in a professional manner I will take forward all feedback and my skills developed during supervision. The important thing to capture is the experience and to learn from it. I will look at the bigger picture and through evaluation I can break down my strengths and weakness, and in recognising my weakness I can self as a better Practioner. This process has helped me to achieve a rewarding experience, and one I am keen to continue with into practice. It can benefit not only to me, but clients and colleagues also.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Are We in a Post-Modern Age? Essay -- Post-Modernity

This paper answers the question: Are We in a Post-Modern Age? Post-Modernism can be described as a particular style of thought. It is a concept that correlates the emergence of new features and types of social life and economic order in a culture; often called modernization, post-industrial, consumer, media, or multinational capitalistic societies. In Modernity, we have the sense or idea that the present is discontinuous with the past, that through a process of social, technological, and cultural change (either through improvement, that is, progress, or through decline) life in the present is fundamentally different from life in the past. This sense or idea as a world view contrasts with what is commonly known as Tradition, which is simply the sense that the present is continuous with the past, that the present in some way repeats the forms, behavior, and events of the past. I would propose that traditional ways of life have been replaced with uncontrollable change and unmanageable alternatives, but that these changes and alternatives eventually create something that may result in the society that traditionalists actually seek after; the balance between Nature and Technology. Modernity itself is merely the sense that the present is a transitional point, not focused on a clear goal in the future but simply changing through forces outside our control. I will first describe how "Modernity" came about, and then to indicate some of the features for which "Post-Modernity" is meant to be a reaction, response or addition to modernization. Beginnings of Modernity: First, I aim to give a broad historical picture against which we may understand the rise of Modernity as an idea related to science and society or as a framework for a view of rationality. We know that we experience change as either progress or transition, that is, we view our historical situation and our lives presently as deriving meaning and value in some unrealized future. The shift from Renaissance humanism to Modern rationalism can be understood in terms of four shifts: (1) from an oral culture in which the theory and practice of rhetoric played a central role to a written culture in which formal logic played a central role in establishing the credentials of an argument; (2) from a practical concern - with understanding and acting on particular cases to a more th... ...spicious of the belief in shared speech, shared values, and shared perceptions that some would like to believe form our culture but which in fact may be no more than empty, if necessary, fictions. I believe we should be committed to salvaging what we can of the ideals of Enlightenment and Modernity. We need to stay open to all valid claims of reasoning, knowledge, spirit, tradition, and humanity; for we are not, and cannot be, all knowing in this life. To be focused so completely upon Post-Modernism or Modernity, suggests that we can somehow define a group, any group, in the sense of its cultural essence; which is not in truth completely possible or even wise. Are we in a Post-Modern Age? I would say yes as a defined theory or word, but in the reality of man and life, the answer is No. Man is continually changing and adapting and for ever continuing to progress in spirit, technology, and social/cultural adaptation. Whatever age we are presently in, we are modern compared to the one before, each age lives its own Modernity; each era obligated to find its own balance between Nature and Technology, Tradition and Progress; a continuous cycle until the end of man.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Conflict Is A Destructive Force In Our Lives Essay

In our lives conflict plays a huge force in our everyday activities, social events, interaction with our friends and family. But what is the real explanation of conflict? A struggle or destructive force. This description of conflict only touches the surface of what conflict really means. People encounter conflicts almost on a daily basis, whether it is self-brought upon conflict, conflict with what religion, age, gender you are. Who your family and friends are and how they contribute to your life and how their decisions impact you and the others around you. Conflict is an unavoidable thing that we will all face and have already faced conflict in one form or another throughout our lives. How we deal with conflict determines whether it destroys us or not. Conflict, as a force can either crush or build people’s strength people depending on how they deal with it and the repercussions they have to go through post-conflict. It is known to bring trauma and devastation but has also ha s the ability to bring people together and settle the differences between one another. Conflict in any form can prove to be rather hurtful and brutal, either for the individual or towards multiple groups. Conflict is a destructive force as it generates separation as a result of different ideas and opinions between different people or groups. When individuals or groups of people have social orders placed upon them, there is an inclination of trust and the idea of togetherness to be damaged. We live in a world of social structure and laws that are enforced to keep society under control. This is because the majority of conflicts that occur are destructive but they try to remain constructive. In the movie ‘A Separation’ we see many examples of conflict being encountered. The film captures the reality of city life in modern-day Iran, where a woman Razieh’s decision to take up a job that she couldn’t handle entirely set a motion of events that end in the death of her unborn child.. As the adults involved turn to legal remedies and the accusations and counter-accusations build up, the conflict becomes Termeh, the eleven year old daughter of Nader and Simin. The conflict occurred and encountered with Termeh sees her becoming more mature than what her age is due to her being  increasingly burdened by her parents’ unhappiness and the wider flaws she sees in the world that she lives in. The conflict in her life becomes a destructive force as she has to watch on as her father breaks down day by day as he can no longer deal with his own conflict that he has to deal with, which results in him being arrested and leaves Termeh in a struggle as to how she is even going to live as her mother has walked out on her for just a while. The film shows multiple variations of how conflict can be so damaging to one’s life and their being. Even though Nader’s father has no will to be even able to speak you can see his condition deteriorating as he watches the world go by him and has to see his son break down as he can no longer deal with the struggle he is put through day after day. However, the burden that Nader’s father puts on Nader impeccably shows his incapability to be able to let go of his father’s inability to live. For Nader, it is all about protecting and caring for his father who once did the same for him. He encounters conflict for the first time in the film right at the beginning when he is faced in court with the decision to leave his father and go with his wife and daughter to move out of the country. Nader is in the position where he would like to go for a better life but he simply cannot leave his father which causes his then wife Simin to get boiled over as she is beyond belief as to how Nader could not want a better life for his daughter and wife. This sets the scene for the whole film as the destructiveness continues to show from this point onwards. Conflict shows as it can be a power in our lives which can be uncontrollable in that of it can tear someone down bit by bit.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Review on Mississippi Masala

Response Paper on Mississippi Masala (1991): the impact of racism and race in the identities of the characters The themes of racial identities & interracial racism are ones that surface multiple times in the movie Mississippi Masala (1991) by Mila Nair. In the beginning of the film, we notice Jay’s resentment of having to leave his country Uganda. Jay argues with his childhood friend Okelo that he has â€Å"been called a boot licker and a traitor to Indians†¦ Uganda is my first home and India my second†. It saddens Jay that after 34 years of his life it all came down to the â€Å"color of [his] skin†.His childhood friend reminds him that â€Å"Africa is for Africans†¦ black Africans†. The exile of South Asians, which is enforced by military leader Idi Amin, tarnishes the view of the African culture for Jay. He, along with the other South Asians that are forced to leave, turns his back to the African culture he grew up and welcomes the Indian cult ure in American land. Jay even goes as far as not saying goodbye to his brother-like friend Okelo treating him with a cold shoulder. Jay fails to realize that his friend’s close mindedness is not one to blame for the ignorance that was going around in Uganda.Another instance where race and the color of the skin create bias is at the wedding of Mina’s cousin, where two ladies are gossiping. The ladies comment on Mina’s dark complexion, noting that one cannot be â€Å"dark and without money and expect to get with Harry†. Notice the appraisal for a fair or light skin color. This racism, coming from within the culture, is an example of the struggle that Mina and the family face. Because she is a ‘darkie’ and poor, she cannot expect to woo the heart of the rich Indian bachelor Harry.Racisms is used as a double-edged sword; best seen when Uncle Jammubhai says that â€Å"people of color stick together†¦united we stand, divided we fall† y et regards blacks as ‘foreigners’ and troublesome if they tarnish the family’s honor. Mina’s relationship with an African American is a parent’s â€Å"ultimate fear† since it involves the South Asian daughter marrying someone who is neither Indian nor White. There are also cases of racial identities that become affected by the events that transpire. Mina regards herself as ‘masala’ which is symbolic in regards to the title of the movie.Masala is a mixture of spices, which we can take to represent her South Asian heritage. However, Mina was born and raised for part of her childhood in Uganda, so she also has African roots. ‘Mississippi Masala’ represents a mixture of American and South Asian roots. While in exile from her first home Uganda, and being raised through Indian culture, which she is geographically disconnected from, Mina learns to simultaneously welcome the American culture and its ideals as well. In other words, Mina is embracing the hybridity of cultures.This case is seen best when we see her fit just right at her cousins wedding and the African American dance club. Mina welcomes diversity and constructs her identity based on ideals from her present. Mina cares not to make the same mistake as her father and pursues and interracial relationship with African-American rug cleaner Demetrius. However both communities don’t take their union as light matter. The Indian community regards their love as a â€Å"dishonor and shame† to the family, with some mothers going as far calling it a ‘rebellion’ and sending their daughters to their countries to get married.Demetrius, who worked hard to create his cleaning company, gets a cold shoulder from his clients. The white lady, who gave a good recommendation of him to the bank, withdraws her good comments about him, and gets the bank to threaten to remove his loan. His aunt Rose says that ‘the days of slavery are o ver†¦[but]the world is not so quick to change†. She is referring to the racism and the pointing of the fingers that occurs when one goes outside the norm of what is expected.

Professional and Managerial Ethics Caselet Essay

Limaha Inc. is a world-renowned toilet manufacturer founded in 1967. Limaha led the innovation of advanced bathroom utilities and mainly caters to First Class airports and 5-star hotels. The recent Asian economy boom has led to increased demands of Limaha toilet bowls for the business expansion of their loyal clients. In response, the company has decided call for this unprecedented increase in production that must be met as soon as possible. Jenny Panaguiton, the purchasing manager of Limaha’s main office, was tasked to choose a supplier of premium porcelain to be used in the production of their patented No Pressure toilet bowls. This production will include a big production contract with a new posh hotel in the country’s capital whose construction is about to end with the installation of their bathroom fixtures. After careful analysis from 20 suppliers by the purchasing department, Jenny was presented and left to decide between two suppliers: O Mang China and Teddy B. Solutions. O Mang China offered superior porcelain at a high price. This price along with other costs necessary to deliver the porcelain to the production plants was estimated to exceed the company’s budget. Although Limaha can choose to go ahead and allocate more capital for this transaction, it could result to lower company profits if the previously agreed sales price of No Pressure toilet bowls is not increased. If Limaha decides to charge a higher price on their new product, there is a high possibility that the hotel client would back out from the contract and change to another toilet manufacturer for confirmed business ventures next year. Teddy B. Solutions, on the other hand, offered a lower price for the porcelain materials which is well within the company’s budget. Christopher Barrido, the company’s Vice President for Production even greatly encouraged Jenny on choosing Teddy B, as the really low price of the porcelain would bring significant favorable variances in their division’s costs. Not only would their division have a pretty image in front of the Board, there would even be a possible salary increase. He even promised Jenny of a bright future in the company if she makes the right decision. Jenny, however, doubts their VP’s motives, as Christopher would not normally recommend any supplier and would just leave the Purchasing Department on their decisions. She thinks Christopher’s actions have something to do with the generous gifts Christopher has been receiving recently from his long-time friend and classmate, Teddy B. Teddy B’s proposal is highly attractive when just considering the company’s profits. However, the production team who reviewed the samples from Teddy B showed results that were a far cry from O Mang’s porcelain. Materials from Teddy B produced inferior quality toilet bowls. The production team voiced out their concerns through Pie Bread, the production manager. Pie greatly discouraged the use of Teddy B materials to Christopher Barrido, arguing that the use of such materials would greatly affect their quality, and the name of Limaha Inc. could be tarnished through this. They were also very concerned that the hotel might withdraw previous arrangements with Limaha because of the fact that these inferior toilet bowls were simply not appropriate for the posh hotel. Christopher just won’t have any of Pie’s arguments. He argued that the employees under her department were only exaggerating about the quality of the samples. Teddy B has long been in the business of supplying porcelain, so he argued that the problem is not on the materials, but on the workers handling the production who are not being efficient enough to produce at the expected quality. Pie and Christopher’s debate had been long, and word travelled that Pie was even threatened of demotion if results with the Teddy B samples still would not improve. Needless to say, people from production are now pointing daggers to the purchasing department, as their decisions could cause them their jobs. And so Jenny tried to negotiate the price offer of O Mang China and asked for any other possible alternatives their company could have. Its owner, Osmong, however presented her a very outrageous offer. Osmong is her former lover from a very bad and traumatic relationship.  Osmong, feeling bitter, is still deeply in love with Jenny even after she broke up with him six months ago for a number of undisclosed reasons. Since the breakup, Jenny has vowed to never reconcile with this man again. In a desperate attempt to get Jenny back, Osmong offered to significantly reduce their price to go lower than that of Teddy B, if and only if, she agrees to go back together with him again. This new price would mean that there would be no need for a price increase on the No Pressure toilet bowl, and they could even attract more potential long-term customers because of their high-quality products at a really low price. To add to the list of her worries, Jenny received a note to come to a private meeting in a nearby cafà © with Bea Wing, Limaha’s Internal Auditor. The meeting had been really stressful, as the topic was Teddy B’s alleged recent romantic interest with Jenny. Teddy has been sending Jenny many gifts and invitations to dinners since the start of the year, and they had gone to a few dates. Jenny, however, just treated their relationship as platonic, and concluded that nothing can come out of their business meetings. Bea however would not believe any of it. Bea had been married to Teddy B for three years. Sadly, a gap in their relationship has formed due to their busy schedules. She noticed her husband’s special attention to Jenny, and thought that a possible divorce could be coming to her soon if Jenny continues to â€Å"lead him on† with her business partnerships. Bea thinks that this new materials supplying contract could be the last straw. She later vowed, that if Jenny makes one wrong move on choosing her husband and destroy her marriage, she would definitely destroy her life. Jenny was visibly shaken, given that Bea really has the power to do so, with a few alterations on her department’s financial statement, and some words with Board of Directors regarding her process of choosing the material suppliers. Jenny really has a lot riding in this decision. The company profits, the production employees, her personal relationships, her co-workers, and her own job are at stake in this one important decision of choosing the supplier of porcelain for the No Pressure toilet bowl model. She could not afford to lose her job now, given that it is the only way for her to pay for the medical bills of her five dogs in the hospital. This one decision could make  or break her life. Even more so, she’s not even sure if it is right. What do you think would be the best action to take?